What is EU-healthcare.fi?

EU-healthcare.fi is an online service that provides information about cross-border healthcare. The website is meant for all users of healthcare, health care professionals, authorities and other actors.

The service is provided by the Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Social Insurance Institution. The Contact Point is located within Kela, and its operations are based on the EU Directive (2011/24) on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare (the so-called Patients’ Rights Directive).

The background of the website is in the EU Patients’ Rights Directive that came into effect in Finland 1 January 2014. The directive gives EU citizens the right to use the healthcare services of another Member State and obligates the Member States to provide information related to the use of the healthcare services online.

The website is provided in an identical manner in Finnish, Swedish and English. The website is also published in Sami, excluding the information regarding the healthcare services of the other countries and the pages meant for the healthcare professionals.

The contents of the EU-healthcare.fi website adapt to different terminals, so it is easy to use, for example, with a smart phone and tablet. The website also provides information in an easy-to-use format for the disabled.

The technical implementation and visual look of the website are provided by Hion Digital Oy.

Website maintenance

The Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare is in charge of the website contents in cooperation with the other authorities. The website maintenance and development is ensured by the Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare. The goal is to maintain the contents as up-to-date as possible and correct any errors quickly.

The Contact Point is not liable for information accuracy behind the external links.

Copyright and linking

The website contents can be freely linked to, and the text can be quoted. If you quote the text, please remember to mention the source. The Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare has the rights to the text, images and recordings published on site.

For linking purposes, the EU-healthcare.fi logo is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. We ask you to link from the logo to www.eu-healthcare.fi or the website content pages.

The website carries a lot of external links to the websites of different authorities and organisations. We primarily provide links to the websites of non-profit organisations and services provided by other authorities. Links are mainly provided to such services that offer information in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Handling personal information

No personal information is collected from the service users. Handling of feedback and questions requires the contact information of the user but the information is not stored.

Further information

Further information on the maintenance is provided by the Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare yhteyspiste(at)kela.fi.