Dissatisfaction with treatment and treatment injuries

I am dissatisfied with the treatment I received in Finland. What can I do?

If you are unhappy with the treatment you received in Finland, you should primarily try to sort the matter out with the treatment provider. If necessary, the patient ombudsman can help you investigate the matter. If the matter cannot be solved by means of negotiations, you can submit a claim to the health centre or a complaint to the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira).

I suffered a treatment injury abroad. Who is responsible for the further treatment of complications?

You can receive treatment in Finland, even if the treatment needed is due to a patient injury that has taken place abroad. You can decide for yourself if you want to receive further complication treatment in the country that provided the treatment or in Finland.

Apply for patient injury compensation from the patient insurance of the country that provided the treatment. You cannot apply for compensation from Finnish patient insurance unless the Finnish public healthcare has arranged your treatment abroad as an outsourced service.

I suffered a treatment injury abroad. Can I claim compensation from the Finnish patient insurance?

Apply for patient injury compensation from the patient insurance of the country that provided the treatment. You cannot apply for compensation from Finnish patient insurance unless the Finnish public healthcare has arranged your treatment abroad as an outsourced service.

Find out from the treatment provider or the contact point of the country that provided the treatment how you can claim compensation for a patient injury.

I suffered a patient injury in Finland. Where can I apply for compensation?

If you have suffered an actual or suspected patient injury in Finland, you can register an injury report with the Patient Insurance Centre.