Patient injuries abroad
The legislation of the country providing the treatment is applied in the event of patient injuries. Apply for patient injury compensation from the patient insurance of the country providing treatment. All EU countries have a patient insurance system for treatment provided in the respective countries. However, you can receive treatment in Finland, even if the treatment need is due to a patient injury that has taken place abroad.
Ensure that the treatment provider is licensed
When you seek treatment abroad, make sure that the treatment provider is licensed and that they have the appropriate patient injury insurance to cover the treatment provided. Find out, where possible, background information on the doctor treating you, such as rights to practise the profession and any restrictions. Make sure, too, that you have received sufficient information about the treatment and procedures to be carried out, and about the risks they involve.
The contact point of the EU country providing the treatment will answer any questions about the country’s patient insurance system and, if necessary, refer you to the appropriate authority. In addition, the country’s other authorities responsible for health care and statutory health insurance will provide information.
If you suffer a patient injury abroad
The Finnish patient insurance does not cover treatment provided abroad. You cannot receive compensation from Finland for a patient injury that has been caused by treatment provided abroad. Exceptions to this are situations in which public healthcare has arranged treatment abroad as an outsourced service. Find out from the treatment provider or from the contact point of the country that provided the treatment how you can claim compensation for a patient injury.
You will receive treatment in public health care even if your treatment need arises from a patient injury incurred abroad. A doctor will assess what kind of treatment is needed and decide on your treatment.