Услуги здравоохранения для прибывших в Финляндию из Украины: при наличии местожительства услуги здравоохранения вместо приемных центров оказывают регионы по обеспечению благополучия населения


Читать новость на украинском языке В Финляндии право на получение услуг здравоохранения, как правило, основывается на наличии местожительства (kotikunta). Если вы прожили в Финляндии больше года и зарегистрировали свое местожительство в Агентстве цифровой информации и учета населения (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto)., это также влияет на доступные вам услуги здравоохранения. Если вы зарегистрировали свое местожительство, вы можете […]

Медичні послуги для тих, хто прибув до Фінляндії з України: з посвідкою на проживання в муніципалітеті, медичні послуги переміщуються з приймального центру в зони добробуту.


Читайте новини російською У Фінляндії право на медичне обслуговування зазвичай залежить від муніципалітету проживання. Якщо ви прожили у Фінляндії більше року та подали заявку на посвідку на проживання в муніципалітеті в Агентство цифрової інформації та обліку населення, отримання місця проживання також вплине на ваші медичні послуги. Після того, як вам надано посвідку на проживання в […]

Kela: Now possible to get higher reimbursement for medical treatment abroad


Contrary to what has been reported in this article, prior authorisation under the directive will not be introduced from 2024, as there are currently no measures in the service choices in health care that would qualify for it. For more information, see the Kela press release. Customers can seek treatment in another EU or EEA […]

Health services for persons arriving in Finland from Ukraine: health services transferred from reception centres to wellbeing services counties according to municipality of residence


Read the article in Ukrainian — Read the article in Russian In Finland, the right to use health care services is usually based on your municipality of residence. If you have lived in Finland for over a year and have applied for a municipality of residence from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, being […]

Legislative amendment on cross-border healthcare to take effect in May


Contrary to what has been reported in this article, prior authorisation under the directive will not be introduced from 2024, as there are currently no measures in the service choices in health care that would qualify for it. For more information, see the Kela press release. The President of the Republic of Finland has ratified […]

Kanta.fi: You can now purchase medicines in Spain using a Finnish electronic prescription


With a Finnish electronic prescription, you can now buy medicines from almost all pharmacies in Spain (sanidad.gob.es, in Spanish). Correspondingly, it is now also possible to buy medicines in Finland using a Spanish electronic prescription. In addition to Spain, Finnish prescriptions are accepted in Estonia, Portugal, Croatia, and Poland. Checklist for purchasing prescription medicines abroad […]

Kela: Changes to reimbursement of costs for treatment abroad


Parliament has approved amendments to the Act on Cross-Border Healthcare. The amendments will affect the reimbursements paid by Kela for medical treatment without prior authorisation in another EU or EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom. Customers can seek treatment abroad with or without prior authorisation. Until the present amendments, Kela has reimbursed costs for […]

Kanta.fi: Finnish electronic prescriptions can now be used to purchase medicines in Poland


In Poland, medicines can now be purchased from almost all pharmacies using a Finnish prescription. Correspondingly, Polish electronic prescriptions can be used to buy medicines in Finland. In addition to Poland, Finnish prescriptions are accepted in Estonia, Portugal and Croatia. Checklist for purchasing prescription medicines abroad with a Finnish electronic prescription Before taking a Finnish […]

The Contact Point at the Matka Nordic Travel Fair 19–22 January 2023


You can ask and discuss health services and health care abroad at the Contact Point’s stand 6s59. At the fair, we will present the EU-healthcare.fi online service, which contains useful information for tourists about the health services of more than 50 countries. At the exhibition stand, you can also test your knowledge in a playful […]

Undocumented persons have the right to receive necessary healthcare services


The legislative amendment will better safeguard the right to indispensable care and adequate healthcare services under the Constitution and the human rights treaties that are binding on Finland. Under the UN human rights treaties, states have an obligation to safeguard the right to health equally for all persons in their territory. Undocumented adults have the […]