What’s new
The EU-healthcare.fi website provides reliable information on using healthcare services – this is how we ensure that the content is up to date
The Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare distributes information on the use of health care services in Finland and abroad. In 2015, we launched the EU-healthcare.fi online service, which is our central channel for communicating on these issues. Initially, the service was called Choosehealthcare.fi but, at the end of 2019, we chose a new name in […]
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health recommends that municipalities also provide COVID-19 vaccination to people who do not have a municipality of residence in Finland
According to the recommendation, you would be entitled to receive the vaccination from your temporary municipality of residence free of charge even if you do not have a permanent municipality of residence or other right to receive preventive public healthcare services in Finland. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health’s recommendation applies to all persons […]
Kela.fi: Easier access to medical care for foreign seasonal workers
Seasonal workers include the workers who work in the farming, market gardening or tourism sectors but not for example those hired to pick wild berries. It is also in the employer’s interests to ensure that their workers have a right to medical care. Employers can ask Kela to determine a seasonal worker’s right to medical […]
Right to medical care to remain largely unchanged also with the new Brexit agreement
If you move between Finland and the United Kingdom after 1 January 2021, your right to treatment is determined in the same way as before. With the new agreement, the UK is largely treated in the same way as an EU country in terms of the right to medical care. This means that if you […]
Kela.fi: The Brexit transition period ended, Kela investigates the effects of the new agreement on social security entitlements
The withdrawal agreement also henceforth guarantees the social security entitlements for persons who have moved between the EU countries and the United Kingdom before 31 December 2020 as well as for their family members. Moving between countries means moving from one country to another or starting work or studies in another country. After the transition […]
The Contact Point’s 24 tips for armchair travel
This year, the Contact Point’s Christmas calendar made an armchair trip around the world. We published our Christmas calendar posts on Twitter and Facebook. If you forgot to follow our armchair trip on social media, you can still join in by checking out our 24 tips in order to experience an international atmosphere in the […]
The right of international students to use student health care services in Finland will change from 1 January 2021
From 1 January 2021, the Finnish Student Healthcare Service (FSHS) will organise student health services not only for students of universities, but also for students of universities of applied sciences. You can use FSHS services if you are studying for a degree at a university of applied sciences or university and you have registered for attendance […]
Student — have you explored the EU healthcare website?
The EU-healthcare.fi website, organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, contains up-to-date information on health services abroad and in Finland. The site is maintained by the Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare. The content is available in Finnish, […]
This year, the Contact Point’s Christmas calendar offers armchair travel
December is just around the corner. The Contact Point’s Christmas calendar, which has become a tradition, is here once again to bring you Christmas spirit. This year we are staying in Finland, so join us for an armchair trip around the world! The 24 different doors of our Christmas calendar give you tips on how […]
Accessibility of the EU-healthcare.fi online service is at a good level
The Web Accessibility Directive and subsequent national legislation require public authorities to make digital services accessible. The Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare published an accessibility statement on its website on 23 September 2020. You can read the statement here. Accessibility is especially important for people with sensory impairments. However, the good accessibility of online services […]