Treatment plan
The Patient Act states that all treatment provided to a patient must be planned. The treatment plan compiles information concerning all your health problems and the treatments, examinations and medication that have been planned for you.
The treatment plan includes the following:
- diagnosis,
- need for treatment and treatment goals,
- distribution of work,
- implementation of treatment and means of treatment,
- follow-up and assessment,
- medication.
The treatment plan also includes the matters that are your responsibility.
As a patient, you always have the right to a treatment plan that is prepared in cooperation with a healthcare professional. Your next of kin, close friends or your legal representative can also be involved in the creation of your treatment plan. The treatment plan allows for safely coordinating the treatment of your different illnesses and for ensuring the compatibility and implementation of your treatments.
A doctor will decide on medical examinations, disease diagnosis and treatments. They will take your opinion into account when planning the treatment and making the decisions. As a patient, you have the right to receive sufficient information about your treatment and its related risks in order to be able to participate in the decisions concerning your treatment. You have the right to express your own wishes. You also have the right to refuse the offered treatment, in which case an alternative form of treatment will be offered.
If you are residing outside of your wellbeing services county either permanently or for a longer period of time, you can use basic healthcare services outside of your wellbeing services county in order to receive treatment in accordance with your treatment plan. You can also use specialist medical care services, such as dialysis, in specific situations. The treatment plan prepared at the health centre of your wellbeing services county will now act as the basis for examinations and treatment in your municipality of residence. The health centre responsible for your treatment will not change, however, as your choice in respect of non-emergency treatment will apply only to those health services included in your care plan.