Pharmacies in Finland

Only pharmacies are entitled to sell medicines in Finland. Some sparsely populated areas also include pharmacy service points where you can purchase prescription and self-administered medication. A pharmacy can be owned by a Master of Science in Pharmacy with a corresponding legal permit.

Health care organisations can host hospital pharmacies and dispensaries that are responsible for the patients’ medication. They do not sell medicines to private customers.

Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea grants operating permits to pharmacies and monitors their operation in Finland.

You can find the contact information of all pharmacies in Finland in the Apteekkihaku search service. In addition to this, the website of the Association of Finnish Pharmacies provides a wealth of other information on pharmacies and medicines (in Finnish).

More info

the Apteekkihaku search service (Association of Finnish Pharmacies)

Fimea – Finnish Medicines Agency

Pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical service (STM)