Finding health care services in Finland

…a prior authorisation Moving to Finland Moving to Finland for study or research Moving to Finland as an employee or self-employed person Moving to Finland in retirement Medical care of…

Health and Social Services Reform and Act on Cross-Border Health Care


…is based on the updates necessitated by the Act on Organising Health and Social Services, the Act on Freedom of Choice and the Act on Provision of Social and Health…

Almost 1,8 million Finns already have the European Health Insurance Card


What’s new 13.7.2017 Listen Kela has already provided almost 1,8 million Finns with the European Health Insurance Card, or EHIC. According to Kela’s statistics, the number of cards has…

Medical care when moving abroad

Frequently asked questions on cross-border healthcare Frequently asked questions on cross-border healthcare Treatment in Finland Treatment abroad European Health Insurance Card Prior authorisation Reimbursement of costs Medications and prescriptions…

The Contact Point packs up and sets out for TERVE-SOS fair in Oulu on 23โ€“24 May 2019


What’s new 13.5.2019 Listen The annual TERVE-SOS event for social and health care experts assembles more than a thousand people to attend 15 seminars and listen to presentations by…

Medicines and medical prescriptions

…the prescribing professional can issue an electronic prescription called a ‘Medical prescription for purchasing medication abroad’. Electronic prescriptions are also valid in Estonia, Portugal, Croatia, Poland and Spain. Listen For

Moving to Finland in retirement

…authorisation Moving to Finland Moving to Finland for study or research Moving to Finland as an employee or self-employed person Moving to Finland in retirement Medical care of refugees and…

If you are unhappy with the treatment you received

…you to monetary compensation for treatment injury; you must apply for compensation from the Patient Insurance Centre. Valvira and the Regional State Administrative Agencies may transfer a complaint that has…

Register for a client interview collecting information about seeking treatment abroad


…this form (link to the background information survey form). Act quickly, as only a limited number of participants are accepted. We will contact the persons selected for the client interviews….

Taking medication with you on long trips โ€“ what to remember?


…in Finland. The Medicines section of the online service also includes information on importing and exporting medication as well as information applicable to Finland on pharmacies and medicinal treatment….