Going on a trip? Prepare for your trip with the country-specific pages


Preparation is the key to a successful trip. Visit the country-specific pages and check which health services you are entitled to in the destination and where to get help if you fall suddenly ill during the trip, for example.

When making travel plans, you should consider health-related matters sufficiently early on. For example, it may take several weeks for the European Health Insurance Card, which is why it is a good idea to order the card well in advance. Prepare for your trip by covering at least the following basics:

  • Check whether or not you already have the European Health Insurance Card and, if necessary, order one well before beginning your trip.
  • Print out the prescriptions for the medications you need from the My Kanta service and read the checklist under Medicines when travelling on travel with medications.
  • Check your travel insurance coverage – the European Health Insurance Card does not cover insurance.
  • Find out the local emergency number and save it on your phone – the local emergency numbers are listed on the country-specific pages.

The country-specific pages provide reliable information the health care services of various countries, care-related rights and possible costs. Health issues can appear anywhere at any time, which is why it is important to determine in advance where and how to access health care in the country of destination. In addition to this, practices and costs can vary considerable between countries, which is why we recommend studying the description of your country of destination.

Continuous development introduces changes

The Contact Point for Cross-Border Health Care is tasked with maintaining and developing the Eu-healthcare.fi site. We want to make sure that we always provide reliable and up-to-date information. This is why we also check and update the contents of the country descriptions on a regular basis.

The latest round of updates also introduced a somewhat larger change: we have removed descriptions of non-EU and non-EEC countries, with a few exceptions. The decision stems from the wider development of the online service but also issues related to the availability of reliable information.

If you are looking for information on a country, which is no longer covered by our country-specific pages, we recommend studying at least the travel bulletins of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the health guide of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

In addition to the country-specific pages, also study the useful checklists and information packages that are available on our site.

By preparing for your trip well in advance, you can face the new adventures with confidence and excitement!